Topic 2: Cultural Geography of Germany

Lesson 4: What is the “typical” day like for a child in Germany?
Lesson Objective
The student will describe characteristics of a “typical” day in the life of a German child.
Materials and Resources

Transparency 7 -
“Photo File on Annia Schöne”
- Teacher Resource 7 - “Photo File on Annia Schöne”
- Teacher Resource 8 - “Annia Schöne Narration”
Observations about a single German family cannot be labeled “typical”, but they can provide a useful basis for comparisons with family life and culture found in the United States. Begin this lesson by explaining to students that they are going to be introduced to a girl from a German family living in Bonn, Germany. In groups, they will examine a set of the photographs (Teacher Resource 7 and Transparency 7) of a day in the life of a student. As each photograph is displayed, the teacher will pose questions for students to answer. Teacher Resource 8, “Annia Schöne Narration,” may be used by the teacher to guide the discussion.
After discussing the photographs with the class say, “Now you’ve met Annia, our new German friend. Let’s imagine that she will be visiting the United States soon. To prepare for her visit, we will make a class book to tell her about our lives.”
Have students divide a large sheet of construction paper into five parts. They can draw or write about the following five topics as it relates to their own lives: (1) breakfast; (2) travel to school; (3) school day; (4) after school activities; (5) family recreational time. Later, they can present their pictures to the class, and all can be placed on the bulletin board comparing family life in the two countries.